Murn Meyrick, LLB

Claims & Coverage Counsel, Specialty Insurance Product Developer

Expertise & Experience

Murn Meyrick, LLB is a commercial insurance claims and coverage counsel and a developer of specialty insurance policies. She offers her services through Grey Swan Advisory Professional Corporation.  Murn has over 30  years of experience in the insurance industry involving legal, underwriting counsel, business development and claim management roles. She has worked at multiple firms including private legal practice, global insurance companies, a global broker, and a Lloyd’s managing general agent. Her strong and diverse background in a broad range of environments and roles allows Murn to provide her clients with a deep understanding of the insurance landscape that links all aspects of legal, underwriting and claims activity with business strategy.


The Grey Swan name comes from Murn’s business approach. She believes that success in business is all about getting the balance between risk and reward right. Part of the challenge is to “think outside of the box” and imagine the unexpected, and then to prepare for it. If “Black Swan” events are defined as unforeseeable and catastrophic negative incidents which you cannot prepare for, then a “Grey Swan“ event is something potentially foreseeable and equally significant, that you would prepare for if you had the foresight to think about it. By contemplating the grey swans you can prepare for the black.


To retain Murn Meyrick contact her at External link opens in new tab or or 905-599-1244